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Web-Based Certification
  Web-based certification testing can be used as a supplemental tool to your current training procedure. In this way, your employees can use the internet to take the certification test and upon completion of the test, submit their results instantaneously.

  Test questions and answers can be presented in random order to decrease memorizing test patterns.

As an Administrator, once you have logged-in using a password, you can then review an individual's score and other pertinent information.

  This service includes the URL address (WebSite address), software, the Web-hosting facility, and maintenance.


 This is a feasible alternative to purchasing a course management system -- at a fraction of the cost.


  •   Testing is available to a large number of employees
  Test at the employee's convenience
  Test results are delivered instantly
  A cost-effective alternative to an interactive software application

Go to the Certification Test. Click the "Show Me" button to the left to see a sample certification test.

[Introduction] [Computer/Internet Based Training] [Information Delivery System] [Electronic Performance Support System] [Web-Based Certification] [Consulting]


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